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Video – a bit scary!

If you have read any of my previous blog posts, you will know that I’m fairly new to the medium of video when it comes to content marketing. Not being a big fan of the sound of my voice or seeing myself on the screen isn’t a good starting point, but over the last few months I have managed to record a handful of videos on my webcam and even publish them on YouTube, no mean feat in itself!

However, I was recently challenged by my good friend Lyn Pornaro, of Three A’s Business Coaching, to take part in a 30 day video challenge – recording a short video every day for 30 days!

The challenge!

I will admit that when I realised what I had let myself in for I was a tad apprehensive, to say the least. I decided to go with the flow nonetheless, and unlike my earlier efforts where I was unable to even record anything without a script taped to my laptop screen, I made the decision to talk pretty much off the top of my head about the day’s topic of my choosing, and try not to be too pernickety about any ums, ers and waffling.

You can see the results of the first day in the video above! If you’d like to have a look at my other videos and follow my progress, please do pop over to my YouTube channel.

As I’m writing this, I have just recorded my ninth short video (they’re all about two minutes (ish) long), and so far I’ve more or less managed to come up with something new to talk about every day. The point I’m trying to make is that I think every business owner sometimes struggles to come up with new content, but perhaps this is because we all suffer from the curse of knowledge, and we sometimes forget that we know a lot about what we do and how we can help others.

To give you an example, I did one video last week where I asked how you would describe your business to a ten year old! To put this in perspective, I was speaking to somebody at a networking event recently who didn’t actually know what transcription was, so this made me think. I realised that it’s not always obvious to others what  you do, even if you say something like, “I’m a transcription specialist”. If you get a blank look, then you know you need to expand a bit!

Anyway, please do pop over and check out the videos. I’d love to hear your comments, and if you feel up to taking up the 30 day challenge too, please let me know!