A few months ago, I commented on a blog that I read on a regular basis. I received a reply back which was telling, to say the least. The owner of this particular blog told me that she wanted to leave a comment on my blog, but that it still wasn’t there. Despite there being a ‘blog’ page on my website, something that’s been there since – whispers – the end of last year, it has remained resolutely empty.
So why has it taken me so long to get started? If you’re like me, you probably wonder if you have anything interesting to say. You might think, well, what should I be talking about? My business, my life, my work/life balance, my interests or perhaps if all else fails, my children? What if nobody reads it? What if – the horror – nobody comments and it just sits there in the ether gathering virtual dust?
I admit it, I’m a serial procrastinator. The main reason I’m writing this blog post is that I was given a challenge by a good friend of mine to get it written and sent back to her for feedback within 24 hours – no mean feat, when you’re the queen of putting things off! But I had to ask the question, why do I keep putting things off? Why has it taken me so long to start this, when I could have had a whole series of the things written by now?
I think it’s the fear of it not being quite right. I know the adage, don’t get it perfect, get it done, but it’s so easy to write something, then look back at your words and feel the need to re-tweak and re-write again and again, without ever actually producing a finished document. But I’m starting to realise that this doesn’t get you anywhere.
I know that I’ve got things to talk about that relate to my business that other people haven’t got a clue about. I know that I can talk about juggling my business with my other job as mother of two primary school age children. I know that I can relate to a lot of other people out there who are in a similar position and that’s a heartening thought, as it means that some of you might actually be interested in what I have to say! I don’t know why it’s taken me so long, but – yay! – I’ve managed to complete my first blog post. Here’s to the next one!
Well done Catherine! You are now a do-er instead of a procrastinator (something we’re all expert at lol). Looking forward to reading the coming posts. In the meantime, nip over to http://www.vitalPA.com and click on the blog page to read the random ramblings of one who just threw it out there. It’s been a while since I last blogged and maybe you’ve just reminded me I should do something about it. Ax
Thank you Ally, it’s taken me long enough! I’d hoped to have this on my website, but technical hitches have stopped me at the first hurdle, so this is the next best option. I’ll pop over and have a look at yours now!
I also procrastinate constantly and like you tend to go over and over pieces of writing instead of just sending them off! I heard a life coach today on the radio who said you should aim for excellence, not perfection. Good tip!
Thanks Soz! x
Great post so honest, looking forward to reading more post 🙂 well done Catherine
Thanks Marie, that’s much appreciated
Yay well done! The first post is always the hardest – looking forward to reading more!
Thank you Helen, really appreciate it!
Great blog, Catherine. I love your writing style. I’ll be looking out for more posts in the future.
Thank you Emma – I had been waiting for my husband to update my website to put the blog on there, but he was taking so long about it, I thought, well, time to get something separate set up! Just need to keep the momentum up now, but it’s lovely to get so many positive comments.